- Published in 2015 Archive
November 29, 2015 - Just Joe's 12th Anniversary
This program was to celebrate Just Joe's twelfth Anniversary of being here, November 23rd, which had been this past week, Happy Anniversary, Just Joe! Present to help celebrate it were, Just Joe, luckily(!), EVD, Nathan, Rob from the band Thirteen South, and, Vern, who hasn't been here in almost a year and a half, and was Just Joe's first Anniversary surprise in a night that would see several (all that time away hasn't changed Vern a bit, he's still as obnoxious and annoying as ever). Also, The Almighty Monkey was listening and giving his input this night. Just Joe's next surprise was bubble wrap, which he was urged to pop, only when he tried to, he couldn't, because it was the kind that's all connected together so you can't pop them, which is being used more and more often nowadays, I hate it, too! Why do they have to go and take all the fun out of everything!? Everyone loves to pop bubble wrap! Just Joe did make a puppet out of the non poppable bubble wrap, and then he cheered himself up a little by beating on Nathan, which always makes everyone feel better, well, everyone but Nathan, of course. A game of Hide And Go Beat was played. Nathan had never played this before. Nathan had to go hide, and both Just Joe and Vern would have to try and find him, in the dark. If Nathan got found, he lost, if Just Joe and Vern couldn't find him, they lost. And the results on this night were Paddle Or Kiss, whoever lost got spanked with the paddle with a whole lot of thumb tacks in embedded in it, whoever won, would get Hershey's Kisses. Actually, there were three rounds. The first Nathan was found almost immediately, but the second and third, they couldn't find him. So Nathan got spanked once with The Paddle, and got two Kisses, and Just Joe and Vern got one Kiss each, and two spanks with The Paddle. A Russian Roulette set was played. Just Joe was asked to pick if he wanted bullet or no bullet. He picked no bullet. If a bullet played, Nathan, Vern, and, Rob would all My Crotch Your Face Just Joe. If no bullet played, then Just Joe would get to hear "The Final Countdown" in it's entirety, and Europe's version, not a cover. There was a bit of confusion for a minute when the question was posed what if that song played, as it did three weeks ago, when Just Joe was not here. At first it was said that, in that case, Just Joe would get to hear it, then that was quickly corrected to no he wouldn't, because that would then mean that the song would become the bullet, not the prize, and would therefore have to be stopped, and Just Joe would get My Crotch Your Faced. See, you thought this was a silly, simple game, on the contrary, as you can see, it can become quite complicated. So the computer picked from thirteen thousand nine hundred and fifty songs, and it would get even more complicated, because, a song played that half the people present said was a bullet, and the other half said it was not. So it was decided that both things would happen, Europe's "The Final Countdown" would be played... While Just Joe was getting a three person My Crotch Your Face. It was a very disturbing My Crotch Your Face, with a lot of spinning involved. When it was over, they asked Just Joe if he enjoyed finally getting to hear one of his favorite songs? But Just Joe seemed too traumatized for some odd reason to really answer, just kept whimpering. And, I think we may have cured him of wanting to hear that song, because, for the rest of the night, whenever anyone sang the opening notes to it, Just Joe would start to twitch, obviously that song now has too bad memories connected to it for him to like it. Which is amusing to watch, so now we may actually be seeing the ban on that song lifted, and we may actually hear it a bit. There was a lot of reminiscing, everyone giving their most memorable Just Joe moments from the last twelve years, of which there are A LOT. A LOT. In this reminiscing, The Giant Hammer came up. Nathan had brought a brand new Mac tablet with him. They had him lie down holding it, and then Just Joe bashed it with The Giant Hammer 'til it was beyond repair. Nathan was whining that he had just paid two hundred dollars for that. Well, then you shouldn't have been stupid enough to bring it here. Anyone should know who has been here more than once, and Nathan has been here way more than that, if you have anything you value, don't bring it here, because it will be destroyed, or, if it will fit, wind up down someone's pants, and you won't ever want to touch it again. Vern said that he had been away way too long, and now realized how much he missed being here, he said that he was never going to leave again. Azkath told him that they were now going to play a game, Vern would go hide, and everyone would try to find him. Vern hid, and nobody made the slightest move to go look for him the rest of the night, so he'll be waiting quite a long while. It was an all vinyl Old School Hour, as it has been for the last couple of weeks. There was A Cover Set. There were segments of Movie Time, and TV Programs, and on-line Shows were talked about as well. And so thus went Just Joe's Twelfth Anniversary Show, it has certainly been a very eventful twelve years! And so, once again, A VERY HAPPY TWELFTH ANNIVERSARY, TO JUST JOE!!!!! You have certainly made the last twelve years interesting, and entertaining!!!
- Fire Eater Wizard